My Personality Type

My Myers-Briggs Personality Type

After taking a test (Jung Typology Test) that had a variety of questions regarding my reactions to a series of events, I was given a four letter personality "combination." At that time I had no clue as to what it meant, I only saw percentages and words beside them. It stated that I was an INTP, or in other words, someone who spends time thinking, and focuses on the concepts of things, rather than hard evidence and facts. A couple of people who supposedly share this personality type would be Abraham Lincoln, as well as Albert Einstein. 

How Well Does This Apply to Me?

As I read through several websites explaining what an INTP is, I began to think more and more about it and found it as extremely accurate when compared to me. It also helped reveal several of my "mysteries" about why I act the way I do, as well as the way I think. Overall, it felt revealing and when going into a deeper thinking about some of the sections, it revealed more about myself that I never truly realized was there. Like why I don't go chasing the crowd, or why some certain ideas come into my head, and why I'm constantly trying to come up with reasonable or further logical answers to aspects I see that I disagree with. 

How does this Affect Me?

Through this personality type, it affects many social aspects of my life, even the ones that I don't really even realize. When in a group I tend to want to be the one that specializes in the technical aspects of a project, instead of directing where people go. When I am given this position, I tend to work my best, be a bit more open, and be more efficient overall. If I am not given this position I do what I can to fill the role of something that I am given to the best of my ability, only I may be a bit less motivated, I will still work hard. Some people in the past may have misunderstood me because of the way I act. For instance, my friends, all of which care about my opinion but don't realize that if I'm not interested in something, I do not typically follow them around or work hard to get there. In my scout troop, many people are worried about the way I am because I can't step up to a leader position as easily as what some others can. 

What Have I Learned?

I learned a bit more about what different personalities are, and it also helped me broaden my perspective f others and why certain people do specific activities or actions. This also made me think a bit more about how some people are connected or more connectible as compared to others.

My LOBG Personality Type

The next personality type test I took is called the LOBG Profile, standing for the animals of the lion, otter, golden retriever, and beaver. After adding up the score, my type was claimed to be a beaver, or someone that believes that there is a correct way to do everything, and takes their time to do things right. They also do not like sudden change and need reassurance. I do not feel that this completely applies to me, as I appreciate change and am always accepting other solutions to an issue.  However, some aspects do relate to me, such as I work towards executing a plan to the best of my ability, and I do occasionally need to be reassured by myself to believe that a certain task at hand will be completed. 
