Careers That Interest Me

Career Cruising

Through the website Career Cruising, I was able to take a matchmaker essentially based off of what I enjoyed or didn't necessarily like. After that to show some improved matching, I took an assessment over my set of skills that I believed I could do or not do so well. This gave me a grading from previous results on how much I matched up to them. The top 5 that were matched to me from the system are interior designer, graphic designer, animator, cartoonist, and artist.

What are Each of these Careers?

Let's begin with the the to one, interior designer, and their role is to design functional spaces indoors for homes and commercial buildings as well as making sure that they are comfortable. Graphic designers are to convey a company's or their own thoughts and ideas into a communicative form through things like logos, ads, and websites. Next, by definition, thins career makes or draws a series of images or drawing, then takes pictures of each one to convert to a film or T.V, making a moving image making this career an animator. Now for a very similar one to an animator, cartoonists draw scenes for comic strips in ads, newspapers, etc. and are entertaining while at the same time may portray public events or recent news. And finally an artist, someone who portray what they feel or envision in an artistic or creative way.

What I Want to do Most...

A career that was on the list and one that I have been thinking about for a while is becoming a psychologist, and my reasoning behind that is because I enjoy helping others, and am curious about mental problems. I say this because I know that many people, including myself, think more than what they should or actually need to and I am curious on why that is. But the ideal I am focused on is seeing if I can help with problems that both I have and haven't dealt with in the past or present. 


Psychologists diagnose and treat people affected by personal problems and mental disorders. They try to figure out how the mysteries of the mind affect human behavior.
