Photo Editing
Editing in Photoshop Prior Knowledge, and New Tricks At the beginning of this school year I am beginning to learn more to photoshop than what I had left off with. Last year, coming in as a Freshman, I designed and sequenced a bouncing ball animation to get a few tools under my fingertips. Now, a year later, I am in Graphic Design, and learning more about how to apply the prior knowledge I had, and combining it with what we are learning to remove any unwanted scenes or objects from pictures. As we are given a series of video how-to's to watch, we use new tools and lean when, and how, to apply them. These tools range anywhere from the move tool and down to the clone stamp tool until we eventually combine all of the new information to create a portfolio (with preset pictures). Content-Aware Fill Originally had several marks and bolts This can be activated through a few areas in the toolbar, such as the lasso tool, and when deleting an unwanted object like a bolt, or scrat...