
Showing posts from September, 2017

Placing a Mark In e-Communication

Groups Working on Rough Drafts It was our first full week in a new school, different classes, and a 21st Century Academy called e-Communication. In our second hour e-Comm class, we were given the objective to create a flag or banner with symbols in it. My group's initial thought was to create a shield or box with four quadrants and put our symbols into it, one person per quadrant or section. So when we began working on our symbols and got to completing them, the class time was over and we packed up and headed out. Two days later now and we have the class again, and started to work on what we wanted as an overall group portfolio or piece. Eventually one of our group members mentioned the idea of the Earth as the background. After all of us had agreed upon the idea, we started thinking about what the continents would be with all of out symbols. Eventually we came to a final decision, and it was on the shape of our symbols compared to what the shape of the land on Earth looked...

Words That Desciribe Me

What These Words Mean To Me: These words are those that I feel explain or define me the most, and what I got these from do an even better job at explaining myself. Almost all of these came from the Scout Law, in Boy Scouts, and I live by the twelve points in that law daily. However, I only chose a select few from it because I felt that they were better than the other points because it goes a bit deeper. For example, thoughtful is a word that not only has ten letters, but shows that I think of others constantly, but also enjoy to keep to myself. Silent is another that if you ask anyone that knows me well or has known me before, then they would agree and affirm it. And finally, scouter, it shows the roots of my main hobby and activity besides school as well as show what I base most aspects of my life upon. This also defines my dedication to the Boy Scouts of America, for I have started scouting in first grade, and I have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at the age of thirteen, Augus...